Paul Berry Voice Over Studio and Rates
I have a professional home-based voice over studio setup with a custom built, acoustically treated voiceover booth. Recordings can be delivered in all the usual formats including WAV and MP3. Most of my British voiceover jobs are 'self records' where I'm emailed a script and I simply email the recording back as a download via We Transfer.
For directed sessions, I can use Source Connect NOW and Clean Feed. And of course, I can also be directed via Teams, Zoom or even over the phone. Add an additional fee of £80 per hour for a directed session.
Neumann TLM102
Sennheiser MKH416
Interface and mixing
Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 (3rd gen)
Presonus Faderport
Presonus Eris 5 active monitors
Beyerdynamic DT770 pro headphones
Software and Outboard FX
Adobe Audition CC
Cockos REAPER 7
Izotope RX8 Standard, Ozone 9 Advanced
Arturia, Valhalla, Waves and Native Instruments FX
Hologram Microcosm
Inta Audio custom build silent Intel i9 PC